Every day walking down the street we see images and these images transform our minds into joy, into hate, into sorrow. A world of the unknown possibilities awaits our eyes. Nature grants this gift to us.
No one on this planet will see images in the same way. There is no one who will see what I see and I shall not be able to trully see images through others eyes. When I see a beautiful painting that brings me joy but you see the same painting and it brings you sorrow, how shall one interpret this?
The image is here for both of us to experience but brings to each of us completely different emotions. So one of us must be wrong. It must be you that cannot see. Look at the painting can’t you see the gentle line and the beautiful colors? It brings me joy, but you say no, no, no, I still see the sorrow. Look at the darkness that intertwines with the lines and the color, this painting is obviously indicating sorrow.
Now we have found the meaning of art: there is no right there is no wrong, we surround our lives with images that bring us joy or sorrow and sometimes we just hated it. The images we saw yesterday will not mean the same to us today and will mean something us to tomorrow. We see this in a rose, one day it's a bud, next day a flower, and then next wilted away, Life is this way. So we are all an “Art Form” with images dancing in front of us to show us our way.